miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

Actividad de síntesis 2ª Medio F

Lea la presentación con sus compañeros y responda en hoja aparte la actividad solicitada en la penúltima diapositiva.

martes, 21 de agosto de 2018

1º Medio Independencia de los países Hispanoamericanos

Esta actividad debe quedar lista en una hora.
Trabajo de a dos alumnos
Entrega tu trabajo con nombre en hoja aparte con nombre y curso  10:15 hrs.

Apóyate en el mapa de la web siguiente:

Anota las fechas en que se independizaron los países latinoamericanos clasificándolos en :

Independencia Temprana
Segunda oledad independentista
Independencia en la segunda mitad de la independencia
Independencia durante el siglo XX

Identifica al menos tres elementos comunes en la independencia de estos países y algunos elementos singulares o distintos.

Considera estos criterios:

Quienes encabezan el movimiento
Quienes financian el movimiento
La realización de juntas de gobierno
Qué clases sociales terminan gobernando
Qué clases sociales participan y en qué rol?
Costo de las campañas militares
Lengua de los países que se independizan
detonante de la  s primera juntas de gobierno.

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018


WEB QUEST: Everyday heroes

1. Introduction

The dictionary says that a hero is a person noted for feats of courage and nobility of purpose. Sometimes it takes courage to possess character and to do the right thing. This activity will allow you examine the qualities that make a hero and to investigate historical and every-day heroes.

2. Task

You will be working in teams. There should be a team leader, who will organize the work and divide the issues within each topic to make sure everything is covered and there is no overlap. Each member will be responsible for working together to brainstorm characteristics of a hero and reach a consensus of a person who fits those characteristics
3. Process

1. What makes a hero? Start by brainstorming some ideas of certain characteristics that a hero might have.

You should use some sort of graphic organizer and you need a hard copy of it, as you will be handing it
in with your fi nished product. Once you have several ideas in your organizer, you will need to agree on a
statement and write it down, stating what your group believes makes a hero.

2. Go over the following links and research people that have been defi ned as heroes. Take notes about their
lives and their heroic deeds and characteristics.

3. Make sure you have the following information about your hero:
Time period in which he/she lived.
Location where he/she lived.
What job or work (role).
Events that happened in his/her life.
What problem or challenge he/she were trying to solve.
What outcome or end result he/she achieved.
A memorable quote from this hero.
What actions really got your attention.
What is your personal impression of your hero.
reasons you like this person and what about him/her inspired you.
4. Make a “Hero Card”. Using the link below, elaborate a hero card. Where it asks for a name, you may
indicate all group members in the space provided (initials, etc.) or give a name to the group. Then, follow
the steps, fi lling in the required information about your heroes and their life. Be careful to choose the
trading card template for a real person.

4. Evaluation
The presentation will be evaluated with a common grade for group work and correct presentation will be
highly valued. rubric is as follows:
- Quality of information: 30 %
- Written Presentation: 30 %
- Conclusion, paragraph and use of language: 40%

1. Introduction
The dictionary says that a hero is a person noted for feats of courage and nobility of purpose. Sometimes it takes courage to possess character and to do the right thing. This activity will allow you examine the qualities that make a hero and to investigate historical and every-day heroes.
2. Task
You will be working in teams. There should be a team leader, who will organize the work and divide theissues within each topic to make sure everything is covered and there is no overlap. Each member will be responsible for working togethe
3. Process
1. What makes a hero? Start by brainstorming some ideas of certain characteristics that a hero might have.
You should use some sort of graphic organizer and you need a hard copy of it, as you will be handing it
in with your fi nished product. Once you have several ideas in your organizer, you will need to agree on a
statement and write it down, stating what your group believes makes a hero.
2. Go over the following links and research people that have been defi ned as heroes. Take notes about their
lives and their heroic deeds and characteristics.
3. Make sure you have the following information about your hero:
Time period in which he/she lived.
Location where he/she lived.
What job or work (role).
Events that happened in his/her life.
What problem or challenge he/she were trying to solve.
What outcome or end result he/she achieved.
A memorable quote from this hero.
What actions really got your attention.
What is your personal impression of your hero.
reasons you like this person and what about him/her inspired you.
4. Make a “Hero Card”. Using the link below, elaborate a hero card. Where it asks for a name, you may
indicate all group members in the space provided (initials, etc.) or give a name to the group. Then, follow
the steps, fi lling in the required information about your heroes and their life. Be careful to choose the
trading card template for a real person.
5. Print the card about your chosen hero and present it to your classmates.
4. Evaluation
The presentation will be evaluated with a common grade for group work and correct presentation will be
highly valued. rubric is as follows:
- Quality of information: 30 %
- Written Presentation: 30 %
- Conclusion, paragraph and use of language: 40%